(PlayStation Portable Video Converter)
PSPVC is a FFMPEG front-end to convert video files for the PSP.
It allow you to queue severals conversions with different parameters for each.
- MPEG4/SP (all firmware)
- H264/AVC (firmware 2.0+)
- H264/AVC 480x272 (firmware 3.03-OE-B+)
- nasm
- libfaac
- libxvidcore
- liba52
- gtk+2.0
version 0.3
pspvc-intall-0.3 (2007-03-13)
Gentoo ebuild
version 0.2.1
pspvc-intall-0.2.1 (2006-07-13)
ffmpeg with h.264/AVC for the PSP (installed with pspvc)
FFMPEG (Original)
x264 - a free h264/avc encoder
VeronicaMoonlit's inevitable blog (mini turorial)

0.2.1 -> 0.3
newer versions of X264 and FFMPEG (fif1973)
freedesktop menu entry added (fif1973)
Support of H264/AVC 480x272 (fif1973)
Simplification of convertion parameters (fif1973)
Display an error message if the input file format is not a supported (fif1973)
Slovenian translation added (lenooh)
German translation added (Christian Stake)
--threads X argument added for multi-core ou multi-cpu usage(fif1973)
0.2 -> 0.2.1
The order of options in the interface changed (fif1973)
'About' window added (fif1973)
Title of convert windows (fif1973)
High limit of the thumbnail choice is adjust to the video duration (fif1973)
Polish transalation added (Thomasz Dominikowski)
0.1.3 -> 0.2
Compile with gcc > 3.3.5 (fif1973)
Estimate time added (fif1973)
Choice of the thumbnail (fif1973)
0.1.2 -> 0.1.3
Fix an audio desynchronization with 25 fps source files (fif1973)
Italian translation added (Luca Calabro)
0.1.1a -> 0.1.2
Max Video bitrate = 1500 (ryochan7)
Max Audio bitrate = 144 (ryochan7)
Remove double -ab parameter with Mpeg4/SP (ryochan7)
Fix a bug about 'target file is already in queue' (fif1973)
Add a number to the 2 pass logfilename (fif1973)
Fix a buffer overflow on title (ryochan7)
0.1.0a -> 0.1.1a
French translation added (fif1973)